HC Deb 07 November 1985 vol 86 c120

Motion made, and Question proposed.


(1) Standing Order No. 6 (Arrangement of public business) shall have effect for this Session with the following modifications, namely:— In paragraph (3) the word "twelve" shall be substituted for the word "ten" in line 52; and in paragraph (6) the word "nine" shall be substituted for the word "ten" in line 77;

(2) Private Members' Bills shall have precedence over Government business on 17th, 24th and 31st January, 7th, 14th and 21st February, 11th, 18th and 25th April, 2nd and 9th May and 4th July;

(3) Private Members' Notices of Motions shall have precedence over Government business on 29th November, 6th and 13th December, 28th February, 7th, 14th and 21st March, 16th May, and 6th June and ballots for these Notices shall be held after Questions on Wednesday 13th November, Wednesday 20th November, Wednesday 27th November, Wednesday 12th February, Wednesday 19th February, Wednesday 26th February, Wednesday 5th March, Wednesday 30th April and Wednesday 21st May;

(4) On Monday 16th December, Monday 10th February, Monday 12th May and Monday 7th July, Private Members' Notices of Motions shall have precedence until Seven o'clock and ballots for these Notices shall be held after Questions on Thursday 28th November, Thursday 23rd January, Thursday 24th April and Thursday 12th June;

(5) No Notice of Motion shall be handed in for any of the days on which Private Members' Notices have precedence under this Order in anticipation of the Ballot for that day.—[Mr. Biffen.]

3.3 pm

Mr. J. Enoch Powell (South Down)

The motion—which the Leader of the House has just motionlessly made—relates to the availability of time for legislation initiated by Private Members. There arose, in the course of the last Session, a question in that context to which I believe the House will wish to give consideration and on which it will wish to arrive at a decision, namely, whether it ought to be possible for Private Members of this House, given sufficient support, to obtain the same facility as the Government have in relation to their own legislation, of extra time for the measures to be disposed of.

It is not, I think, a matter which the House would, at this stage and on this motion, wish to debate, but it is customary for the Leader of the House, in winding up the debate that is about to be resumed, to make certain remarks regarding the House and its procedures. I would be grateful if the right hon. Gentleman were able to include a helpful reference to this matter when he comes to reply to the debate next week.

The Lord Privy Seal and Leader of the House of Commons (Mr. John Biffen)

I am grateful to the right hon. Gentleman for having given me motice that he would raise this matter. I am happy to confirm that I would like to touch upon the topic in my reply on Wednesday. Whether my remarks are helpful is a matter which depends very much on the ears of the receiver.

Question put and agreed to.
