HC Deb 21 May 1985 vol 79 cc980-1

12 midnight

Mr. Peter Pike (Burnley)

I should like to present three petitions concerning the Transport Bill, which we have been discussing today.

The first has been signed by 2,786 people of north-east Lancashire who use the Burnley and Pendle, Ribble and other transport undertakings. The petition concludes that the petitioners:

pray that your Honourable House do urge the Secretary of State for Transport to withdraw the Bill immediately. The second petition is from the Burnley and Pendle Joint Transport Committee and is signed by its clerk, Brian Whittle. It runs transport services in Burnley and Pendle and has an agency agreement with all of the other transport undertakings that operate transport in the area. The petition concludes:

Wherefore your petitioners pray that your honourable House reject any legislation to implement the proposals of the White Paper on buses and the Transport Bill. The third petition is signed and sealed by the chief executive of Lancashire county council and concludes:

Wherefore your petitioners pray that your honourable House reject any legislation to implement the proposals of the White Paper on buses and the Transport Bill. Those petitions show the strong feelings of the people of north-east Lancashire and Burnley and their belief that the Bill will mean the end of passenger transport in the area.

To lie upon the Table.

12.3 am

Mr. Tony Lloyd (Stretford)

I also would like to present a petition concerning the Transport Bill which the House has considered today. I present it on behalf of the South Advisory Committee for Public Passenger Transport in Greater Manchester—an organisation that represents many local groups. The petition is signed by members of the committee, all of whom have massive expertise in public transport. The petitioners: pray that your honourable House reject any legislation to implement proposals of the White Paper on buses. I should like to put on record my firm support for the petition.

To lie upon the Table.