HC Deb 08 March 1985 vol 74 cc1287-8 9.34 am
Mr. Tom Cox (Tooting)

I rise to ask leave to present to the House a petition on behalf of the National Pensioners Convention. It contains over 1 million signatures and has been signed by pensioners throughout the country. All hon. Members will have in their constituencies many thousands of men and women who are retired and pensioners.

The petition reads: To the Honourable the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled; the Humble Petition of the National Pensioners Convention sheweth that they are concerned at; The present situation of State Retirement Pensions which denies pensioners the right of choice, dignity, independence and security in retirement; The increasingly heavy burden of fuel costs borne by pensioners which undermines their health and well being; All hon. Members will have received in recent weeks many letters from pensioners expressing their concern about the payment of fuel costs in view of the severe weather that Britain has recently experienced.

The petition continues: The erosion of public transport services on which pensioners depend. Wherefore your petitioners pray that your Honourable House will; Make an immediate commitment to a pension level of not less than one-half of average earnings for a married couple, and not less than one-third for a single person; Ensure pensioners' ability to maintain warm and well lit homes with adequate heating allowances covering all fuels without a means test, and with total relief from standing charges; Extend the statutory free fare scheme recently enacted for London pensioners throughout the United Kingdom. I am proud to present this petition to the House on behalf of the millions of men and women, now pensioners, who, during their working life, worked for, and in many cases loyally served, this country in times of need.

I, like many other hon. Members, express to the Government the hope that they will take note of and act on the views expressed in the petition.

To lie upon the Table.