HC Deb 05 March 1985 vol 74 c1139
The Attorney-General (Sir Michael Havers)

I beg to move amendment No. 1, in page 17, leave out lines 36 and 37.

The Second Deputy Chairman

With this it will be convenient to discuss Government amendments Nos. 2 and 3.

The Attorney-General

I know that the House has been awaiting this business with ever-increasing impatience for the past 24 hours or so.

The main Companies Bill—a consolidation measure which passed through the House in all its stages last week — did not consolidate Northern Ireland company legislation. The Bill, and especially the provisions to which the amendments relate, was drafted too widely by oversight in that in its unamended form it repeals certain statutory provisions which it is necessary still to preserve in Northern Ireland. The amendments were duly prepared to meet the circumstances in Northern Ireland.

Mr. Nicholas Brown (Newcastle upon Tyne, East)

If it had been possible to deal with this matter on a point of order or, better still, by an exchange of letters 24 hours ago, I would have readily agreed to that course. I accept what the Attorney-General has said about separate legislation for Northern Ireland, and I endorse the amendment.

Amendment agreed to.

Amendments made: No. 2, in page 18, leave out lines 20 and 21.

No. 3, in page 18, leave out line 26. — [The Attorney-General.]

Schedule 1, as amended, agreed to.

Schedule 2 agreed to.

Bill reported, with amendments; as amended, considered.

Bill read the Third time, and passed, with amendments.