HC Deb 28 June 1985 vol 81 c1197

Mr. Tony Benn, supported by Mr. Tony Banks, Mr. Bob Clay, Mr. Jeremy Corbyn, Mr. Tam Dalyell, Mr. Terry Fields, Mr. Martin Flannery, Miss Joan Maynard, Mr. Bill Michie, Ms. Jo Richardson, Mr. Martin Redmond and Mr. Dennis Skinner, presented a Bill to provide for a general amnesty for all those who were fined, imprisoned or otherwise punished by the courts, the National Coal Board or others, for acts done or offences committed during the 1984–85 strike by the National Union of Mineworkers; to secure that full pardons, reinstatement at work and compensation shall be offered to all the persons involved; and for purposes connected therewith: And the same was read the First time; and ordered to be read a Second time upon Monday 1 July and to be printed [Bill 172.]

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