HC Deb 06 February 1985 vol 72 c1075 1.28 am
Rev. Martin Smyth (Belfast, South)

As one born and bred in the constituency of Belfast, West, I beg leave to present a petition signed by 13,906 constituents of Belfast, West. It is entitled "Petition for the Protection of the Human Embryo". Unfortunately in one way, perhaps thankfully in another, the constituents are represented by a person who has won a seat in this place that he will not take. Therefore, I am delighted that they have asked me to present this petition to the House.

The petitioners affirm their belief that the newly fertilised human embryo is a real, living individual human being. They oppose all practices that discriminate against the embryo and violate his or her human dignity and right to life. The petition continues: Wherefore your petitioners pray that the House of Commons will take immediate steps to enact legislation which forbids any procedure that involves the purchase or sale of human embryos, the discarding of human embryos, their use as sources of transplant tissue or as subjects for research or experiment. Your petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray. To lie upon the table.

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