HC Deb 22 April 1985 vol 77 cc605-6
4. Mr. Hubbard-Miles

asked the Secretary of State for Wales if he will state the average pupil-teacher ratio in schools in Mid-Glamorgan for each year from 1978–79 to the latest available date.


Mr. John Stradling Thomas

From 1978–79 to 1983–84, the average overall pupil-teacher ratios for Mid-Glamorgan schools year by year were 18.7: 1 in the first three years and, thereafter, 18.9, 18.3 and 17.5.

Mr. Hubbard-Miles

I am grateful to my hon. Friend for that reply, which shows that resources are being made available not only to maintain the standards of education in Mid-Glamorgan but to improve them. Is he aware that the district auditor's report showed that Mid-Glamorgan could save £2 million by reorganising its school meals service and its staffing in higher education?

Mr. Stradling Thomas

Yes, I am aware of the report. It pointed to ways in which savings could be made by education authorities. Only last week it was reported that a scrutiny of Mid-Glamorgan's school meals and further education services had revealed areas where significant savings could be found. I hope that the authority will act on the recommendations.

Mr. Roy Hughes

Is the Minister aware that it is absurd to harp on about the teacher-pupil ratio in Mid-Glamorgan when a recent Welsh Office report shows that many families there have difficulty in feeding and clothing their children so as to be able to send them to school in the first place? Is he also aware that they are further disadvantaged by poor housing and lack of public transport? What is being done about those basic issues?

Mr. Stradling Thomas

I welcome the improved education facilities. The report shows that standards are not dictated by financial resources alone. The inspector's findings suggest that a great deal depends on how the resources are managed. The rest of the hon. Gentleman's supplementary question goes much wider than the main question.