HC Deb 29 October 1984 vol 65 cc1000-1
41. Mr. Janner

asked the Lord Privy Seal if he will ask the Select Committee on House of Commons (Services) to enlarge the Gallery space available to strangers.

Mr. Biffen

No, Sir.

Mr. Janner

Has the Lord Privy Seal observed how much of the Gallery space remains habitually empty at Question Time, while the queues to come in remain vast, and that Members' guests cannot obtain admission without a completely ridiculous queueing system which is wrong and irritating? Is his reticence about opening up other spaces which are not required due to understandable and new security arrangements? If not, why is that the case?

Mr. Biffen

I was rather impressed by the letter sent by the Chairman of the Accommodation and Administration Sub-Committee to the hon. and learned Gentleman on that topic. I do not believe that there is a great general demand for altering our present arrangements for the Strangers Gallery. In the light of the security considerations, I should have thought that there would be even more concern to move cautiously.

Mr. Crouch

Does my right hon. Friend agree that, in order to reach a wider audience, rather than enlarge the Gallery, we should televise the proceedings of the House?

Mr. Biffen

I could not hear myself answer that question because of the noise.

Mr. Meadowcroft

Is the Lord Privy Seal prepared to encourage further facilities for the disabled, particularly those with guide dogs, for whom the facilities are extremely meagre?

Mr. Biffen

The hon. Gentleman is a fair parliamentarian, and I am sure he will realise that accommodation has recently been set up for those visiting the House with guide dogs. We should see what demand there is for that facility before considering any further developments.

Mr. Dalyell

Is not part of the truth of the matter that, with ever more Select Committees visiting ever more places, many of our colleagues simply pocket tickets and forget about them during activities away from the House? Would it not be more sensible at least to try for a month a scheme where people who genuinely want tickets could submit a request for them to the Serjeant at Arms and see how that works? My hon. and learned Friend the Member for Leicester, West (Mr. Janner) is right to say that time and again the Gallery is half empty, yet there are huge queues.

Mr. Biffen

The matter has only recently been considered by the Accommodation and Administration Sub-Committee, and I feel that I am entitled to rest with its findings for a while.

Mrs. Clwyd

Is not the reform of the House of Commons in its entirety long overdue? At present, does it not fully deserve the title of the most ineffective legislature in Western Europe? [Interruption.]

Mr. Speaker

Order. I cannot relate that to the question. I do not know whether the Lord Privy Seal can.

Mr. Biffen

The answer to the first part of the question is no. As someone who has flown here from the Strasbourg Assembly, the hon. Lady can judge ineffectiveness.

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