HC Deb 28 November 1984 vol 68 cc1029-31

The following shall be inserted after Rule 28(3)(c)(d) the documents which the elector may be required to produce to the presiding officer at the polling station under the terms of this Act.".'. — [Mr. J. Enoch Powell.]

Brought up, and read the First time.

Mr. J. Enoch Powell

I beg to move, That the clause be read a Second time.

The Committee will already be aware of the foreboding which is felt by right hon and hon. Members on this Bench as to the number of electors at a future election in Northern Ireland who will arrive at the polling station innocent of the fact that a new qualification and condition has been attached to their right to exercise the franchise, and that if they do so arrive, they will depart not merely disgruntled but in many cases determined, having thus been, as they will see it, insulted, not to cast their vote, certainly at that election, whereby undoubtedly the accuracy of the electoral process would be damaged.

It is therefore, if we are to have this legislation, essential that as far as possible every person likely to exercise his vote in person, because of course it is only voting in person or by proxy with which the Bill has been concerned, is aware before he goes to the polling station of the new requirement which has been attached to the casting of his vote.

There is one form of communication, not indeed foolproof, not indeed failsafe, but at any rate of very general application, which can usefully be applied for that purpose in addition to advertisements in the newspapers. Advertisements in the newspapers other than those advertising the respective merits of the different political parties—merely drily announcing legal particulars about the forthcoming elections—are not the favourite reading of those who buy the newspapers. It cannot, therefore, be taken for granted that notices inserted in the newspapers, however accurate, as to the new conditions to be imposed upon voting, will come to the attention of all likely to want to vote in person, particularly the elderly, who, as is the habit with the elderly, think that having done it so often, they know how it is done.

We ought therefore not to despise the poll card as a means of communication between the electoral authorities and the electorate. The new clause, although its precise terms are related to earlier amendments, invites the Government to consider making it an actual duty for the poll card to carry—I was going to say "upon the face of it", but I suspect that it would be done upon the back of it—a notice of the documents with a firm indication that at least one of them will be required as a condition of voting.

I know that the Minister is anxious to ensure the best possible success for the operation of the legislation. It will fail miserably if a substantial number of electors are unaware of its essential provisions on the next polling day. I hope, therefore, that he will empower himself to use this valuable means, perhaps the best available means, of communication with electors—the poll card—to convey that information.

11.45 pm
Rev. Ian Paisley

I remind the Minister that when brought this matter to his attention previously he said that he would consider it. I trust that he will be able to respond today. It is only right that the poll card received by the elector should make clear not only where he has to 'vote but that he must bring with him one or other of the prescribed documents. I trust that the Minister will take that reasonable request on board.

Mr. Scott

I am happy to be able to end this Committee stage on a note of agreement and harmony, although not in precisely the way suggested by the right hon. Member for South Down (Mr. Powell). I assure the Committee that the Government totally share the aim of giving the widest possible publicity to the requirement for voters to bring one of the prescribed documents to the polling station. I will arrange through regulations for it to be made necessary for that information to be included on the polling cards.

Rule 28(3) of the Representation of the People Act 1983 states that The official poll card shall be in the prescibed form". I shall ensure that the aim of the new clause is met by prescription in regulations.

Mr. J. Enoch Powell

I beg to ask leave to withdraw the new clause.

Motion and clause, by leave, withdrawn.

Bill reported, with an amendment; as amended, to be considered tomorrow.