HC Deb 21 November 1984 vol 68 c291
13. Mr. Maude

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what progress he has made in establishing a common opening time for adjacent frontier posts in the European Economic Community.

Mr. Channon

I am glad to say all member states have agreed to implement the frontier facilitation directive from 1 January 1985. This requires customs posts at all major frontier crossings to be opened for a common core time of 10 hours every working day.

Mr. Maude

I congratulate my right hon. Friend on achieving that result. Can he assure the House that this will end the frustration suffered by both holidaymakers and hauliers because of the difficulties that they have encountered in getting through customs posts within EEC?

Mr. Channon

The change will affect hauliers in particular. Lorries will be able to get through much more quickly. In the past it has sometimes happened that a lorry has passed one border post and found that the next frontier was closed. The total cost to industry of frontier crossings in the Community is currently about £500 million. The directive will bring about a useful reduction, and it is to be welcomed.