HC Deb 22 May 1984 vol 60 c848 4.43 pm
Mr. Peter Shore (Bethnal Green and Stepney)

I beg to ask leave to move the Adjournment of the House, under Standing Order No. 10, for the purpose of discussing a specific and important matter that should have urgent consideration, namely, the announcement by the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry of the closures of Bathgate and C. H. Roe, Leeds.

We have had several exchanges and I can put my argument briefly. This is obviously a specific matter because we are dealing with two discrete—if I may use that word — closures. The first is the closure of the major BL complex at Bathgate with the loss of about 1,800 jobs and the other is the closure of the bus plant of British Leyland—C. H. Roe near Leeds—with the loss of more than 400 further jobs.

The matter is important, partly because of the unemployment that is directly involved. In both cases, we are dealing with areas in which unemployment is already very high. In the case of Bathgate, it now stands at over 21 per cent. In addition, we know that further jobs will be lost among ancillary and supporting manufacturers, not only in the areas directly involved, but more widely in Scotland and the Yorkshire area. The closures also mean the end of the motor car industry in Scotland, which is a very important matter indeed. Many of us fear that the announcement of the closures means the end of the commercial vehicles division of BL throughout Britain.

The matter is urgent, because this Friday the Whitsun recess begins and we shall have no chance of discussing the matter then. Meanwhile, we are informed that in an understandable gust of rage, the plant has been occupied by the work force.

This issue is of the utmost importance and of great interest, particularly to those Opposition Members who are affected. I therefore urge you, Mr. Speaker, to accept my motion.

Mr. Speaker

The right hon. Member for Bethnal Green and Stepney (Mr. Shore) asks leave to move the Adjournment of the House for the purpose of discussing a specific and important matter that should have urgent consideration, namely, the announcement by the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry of the closures of Bathgate and C. H. Roe, Leeds, with the loss of over 2,200 jobs.

I am satisfied that the matter raised by the right hon. Gentleman is proper to be discussed under Standing Order No. 10. Does the right hon. Gentleman have the leave of the House?

The pleasure of the House having been signified, the motion stood over under Standing Order No. 10 (Adjournment on specific and important matter that should have urgent consideration) until the commencement of public business tomorrow.

The Lord Privy Seal and Leader of the House of Commons (Mr. John Biffen)

On a point of order, Mr. Speaker. In view of your decision to grant a debate tomorrow, it may be necessary to re-arrange the business previously announced. Perhaps I can arrange for discussions to take place through the usual channels, and make an announcement later this afternoon about any rearrangement of business for tomorrow.