HC Deb 08 May 1984 vol 59 c736
Mr. Dennis Skinner (Bolsover)

You will recall, Mr. Speaker, that a few years ago there was a different arrangement in the House on the way in which breaches of privilege were drawn to your attention and subsequently put before the appropriate Committee. You will also know, because of your attendance over the years in the House, that breaches of privilege include those references made by one hon. Member in respect of other hon. Members who are unnamed. This means that every hon. Member is included in a slur made by an hon. Member. As the Prime Minister has not named the person concerned she is, according to the arrangements for breaches of privilege, guilty of a prima face breach of privilege by not naming the hon. Member concerned. Therefore, I draw to your attention, Mr. Speaker, the fact that this case should be investigated unless the Prime Minister does the decent thing and says exactly what she meant.

Mr. Speaker

As I said to the House, no hon. Member, or hon. Lady was named in this instance, and if any hon. Member wishes to bring a matter of privilege before the House he or she must follow the usual procedures.

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