HC Deb 20 June 1984 vol 62 c357

Question proposed, That the clause stand part of the Bill.

Mr. Craigen

The Highland regional council becomes rather hot under the collar on the issue of snow gates. This is a new provision that was debated in another place. There is specific power for the roads authority to provide snow gates and to enable the police to close the gates when necessary. The region wanted to ensure that there would be adequate consultation between the police authority and the roads authority. Has the Under-Secretary had any further thoughts on the matter since Lord Gray of Contin dealt with it in another place?

Mr. Allan Stewart

Snow gates are a matter of considerable concern, particularly in the Highland region. They have been provided in Scotland, but the statutory authority for their provision is not clear. The basic purpose of the clause is to make it clear.

The hon. Gentleman referred to consultation. I hope that he will accept that that is an operational matter. Clearly it would be sensible for the regional authority and the police to maintain regular contact on the matter, but it would not be reasonable to expect the driver of the snowplough to try to contact the roads authority before deciding whether to close a snow gate, in the conditions in which he is likely to be working. This is a matter for common sense on the part of the police and the roads authority.

Clause 32 ordered to stand part of the Bill.

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