HC Deb 20 June 1984 vol 62 c405

Amendments made: No. 156, in page 46, line 27, at end insert— '(5A) The reference in—

  1. (a) subsection (1) above to a trunk road;
  2. (b) subsection (2) above to a special road; or
  3. (c) subsection (3) above to a public road, shall be construed as including a reference to a proposed trunk, special or public road as the case may be.'.)

No. 157, in page 46, line 37, leave out subsection (8) and insert— '(8) Paragraph 23 of the telecommunications code (which provides a procedure for certain cases where works involve the alteration of telecommunication apparatus) shall, subject to subsection (9) below, apply, for the purposes of any works authorised by a scheme made under subsection (3) above, to the roads authority. (9) Where the roads authority is the Secretary of State, sub-paragraph (8) of paragraph 23 of the telecommunications code (offence) shall be omitted for the purposes of the application of that paragraph to him by subsection (8) above.'.—[Mr. Ancram.]

Clause 73, as amended, ordered to stand part of the Bill.

Clauses 74 and 75 ordered to stand part of the Bill.