HC Deb 05 June 1984 vol 61 c235

9 pm

Mr. Waddington

I beg to move amendment No. 28, in page 23, line 39, leave out from 'user' to end of line 6 on page 24 and insert— 'only for one or more of the following purposes—

  1. (a) calculating amounts payable by way of remuneration or pensions in respect of service in any employment or office or making payments of, or of sums deducted from, such remuneration or pensions; or
  2. (b) keeping accounts relating to any business or other activity carried on by the data user or keeping records of purchases, sales or other transactions for the purpose of ensuring that the requisite payments are made by or to him in respect of those transactions or for the purpose of making financial or management forecasts to assist him in the conduct of any such business or activity,'.

Mr. Deputy Speaker

For the convenience of the House we will discuss with this Government amendments Nos. 29, 30 and 31.

Mr. Waddington

These amendments do not raise any major issue. They are none the less important if clause 32 is to be effective in exempting small-scale data users from the scope of the Bill, provided the data which they hold are used only for the relatively harmless purposes specified. The amendments are designed to ensure that the conditions attached to the exemption are not unnecessarily restrictive but that at the same time they do not go too far in allowing data which should rightly be covered by the Bill to slip through the net. I hope the House will accept the amendments.

Amendment agreed to.

Amendments made: No. 29, in page 24, line 11, leave out 'that for which they are held or' and insert 'the purpose or purposes for which they are held and are not'. No. 30, in page 24, line 16, leave out 'for the purpose' and insert 'only for one or more of the purposes'.

No. 31, in page 24, line 33, leave out 'either' and insert `any'.—[Mr. Waddington.]

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