HC Deb 30 July 1984 vol 65 cc10-1
10. Mr. Dalyell

asked the Secretary of State for Transport if he has now given consideration to whether the Ribblehead viaduct on the Settle-Carlisle line qualifies for heritage funds; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. David Mitchell

The eligibility of projects for heritage funds is a matter for the organisations which control them. I have control over none of these bodies.

Mr. Dalyell

Is the Ribblehead viaduct any less of a monument to its age than, for example, Chatsworth? Will we simply allow it to crumble. This is quite apart from the value of the diversionary line from Scotland to England, which, presumably, will be more important if there is to be the east coast electrification?

Mr. Mitchell

It will be for British Rail to consider making an application at the appropriate time, when it knows the future of the Ribblehead viaduct, which is tied up with the decision—not yet taken—on the future of the Settle-Carlisle line. What the hon. Gentleman has said is absolutely reasonable and proper, but must be set in the context that there are eight listed or scheduled viaducts on that line.

Mr. Watson

When is the public inquiry into the Settle-Carlisle line likely to start, and will my hon. Friend confirm that that inquiry will be held under the auspices of the Yorkshire TUCC?

Mr. Mitchell

There will be two inquiries, one under each TUCC. I understand that one is likely to start early in the autumn and the other as soon as can be arranged. At present there is talk about the early spring, but I hope that it will be before then.

Mr. Maclean

Has my hon. Friend seen the report produced by the independent consultants, who have concluded that the phrase which can best be used to describe British Rail's policy on this line is "wanton neglect?" Nevertheless, that report concluded that the Ribblehead viaduct could be saved for the next 15 to 20 years at a cost of only £2.1 million. Does that not throw more doubt on yet another set of figures produced by British Rail?

Mr. Mitchell

The report to Cumbria county council was received only last Thursday. We need to consider it as a whole and not take that part out of context. I have not had time to do so yet, but I assure my hon. Friend that all the points in the report will be fully taken into account.