HC Deb 26 July 1984 vol 64 c1340

Lords amendment: No. 12, in page 10, line 20, after "Act" insert "(except paragraph 3B)"

Mr. Wyn Roberts

I beg to move, That this House doth agree with the Lords in the said amendment.

Mr. Deputy Speaker

With this it will be convenient to take amendments Nos. 13, 55 and 64.

Mr. Roberts

The purpose of the amendments is to deal with cases where a dwelling being repurchased under the Bill has benefited from previous repair, improvement or intermediate grant under the Housing Act 1974 or the Housing (Scotland) Act 1974. An authority making such a grant under part VII of the English Act or part I of the Scottish Act may impose conditions relating to the use of the dwelling, for example on availability for the letting. Breach of the conditions could result in the owner being required to repay grant. As that liability runs with the land, it is possible that, if the repurchased house were sold by the authority, after repair, the new owner could find himself being asked to repay a grant received by the original owner as a result of a breach of the conditions by the original owner. The amendments provide that upon repurchase of the dwelling under the Bill, any such condition shall cease to have effect. There will be no liability to repayment arising from a breach of those conditions before acquisition.

Question put and agreed to.

Lords amendment No. 13 agreed to.

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