HC Deb 19 July 1984 vol 64 cc502-3
10. Mr. Watson

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department when he expects to receive the report from the management consultants who have been investigating the cost benefits of the proposed independent prosecution service.

Mr. Mellor

The consultants' report is expected early next year. I should make it clear that they are investigating, not the cost benefits of the independent prosecution service, but what structure and working practices it will be most efficient and cost-effective io adopt.

Mr. Watson

Is my hon. Friend aware that a large number of county prosecuting solicitors feel that they can offer a full and cost-effective service within their existing local responsibilities? Will he therefore do his best to ensure that, under the new national system that he has announced, as great a degree as possible of local control and autonomy will be retained?

Mr. Mellor

I take my hon. Friend's point. Our intention is not merely to retain the local autonomy which already exists, but to enhance it. We want more decisions to be taken locally.

Mr. Hirst

In considering the future of the independent prosecuting service in England and Wales, will my hon. Friend take as an example the independent prosecuting system in Scotland that system has existed for many years and commands widespread public support and confidence, not least because it removes the invidious situation in which the police have to lead in prosecutions?

Mr. Mellor

As ever, my hon. Friend pats his country of origin on the back. On this occasion, I cannot deny the truth of what he says.

Mr. Ryman

The establishment of the independent prosecution service is to be welcomed, but how much will it cost? If it is to be done properly, huge sums of money will be involved. How do the Government reconcile that fact with their present policy of cutting public expenditure in every sphere?

Mr. Mellor

We are introducing the new system because we accepted the Royal Commission's view that an independent prosecution service is a crucial safeguard of the integrity of the criminal justice system. We brought in the management consultants to ensure that there is no waste. We believe that liberating police officers currently engaged in full-time prosecutions will be beneficial, and we do not believe that the additional cost of the service will in any sense be burdensome.