HC Deb 06 July 1984 vol 63 cc666-7

Order for Second Reading read.

Hon. Members


Sir Bernard Braine (Castle Point)

Disgraceful —absolutely disgraceful.

Mr. Deputy Speaker

Second Reading what day?

Sir Bernard Braine

On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker. It will not be lost on the House, because of the title of the Bill, that it has passed through its stages in and has the full approval of the other place, with the support of the Opposition. It is favoured by the Advisory Committee on Pollution of the Sea and touches on safety, and the safety of my constituents in the River Thames. It is disgraceful that it has been objected to. I ask you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, whether, in the light of the feelings that have been expressed on the Floor of the House thus far, the hon. Member for Dundee, West (Mr. Ross), who has not the slightest interest in the matter, should not stand up and declare himself.

Mr. Tony Banks

He did—he stood up.

Mr. Deputy Speaker

Order. I realise that the hon. Member for Castle Point (Sir B. Braine) feels strongly, but we cannot debate the Bill now.

Mr. Ernie Ross (Dundee, West)

On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker. I know more about the Bill than the hon. Member for Castle Point (Sir B. Braine) suggests.

Sir Bernard Braine

This is a monstrous procedure.

Mr. Ross

If he and the Government are concerned about dangerous vessels, they have the opportunity when the Merchant Navy Bill is introduced in the next Session to make——

Mr. Deputy Speaker

Order. Much as the House wishes to, it is not in order to debate the merits of these measures.

Mr. Moate

Further to that point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker. I shall not challenge your ruling and I shall not consider in any way the merit of the Bill, but, as the hon. Member for Dundee, West (Mr. Ross) rose and objected to a Bill that is designed to save lives on a considerable scale—the prevention of its passage means that we are endangering life—can we be certain that the name of the hon. Member speaking for the Labour party will be recorded as an objector to this Bill?

Mr. Deputy Speaker

As I have already explained to the House, it is not the custom for names to be recorded in the Official Report in an instance such as this.

Mr. Wareing

On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker.

Sir Bernard Braine

Further to my point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker. The last thing that any of us wishes to do is make difficulties for you. The Chair has to follow the rules and procedure of the House, and any sensible Member who has been here any time knows that to be the case. In this instance, it is not clear that the hon. Member who objected, whose identity is now known and will appear in Hansard, and who appears very pleased with himself, was speaking for the Opposition, who had given their support to the Bill in the other place. Therefore, it is very important——

Mr. Deputy Speaker

Order. I must appeal to the House. We are beginning once more to debate the merits of measures. That is not in order at this time, however strongly hon. Members may feel.

Second Reading what day? No day named.