HC Deb 05 July 1984 vol 63 c456
17. Mr. Gould

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food how the present level of imports of New Zealand butter compares with the level of such receipts at their highest point since 1954.

Mr. MacGregor

Figures given in Overseas Trade Statistics of the United Kingdom show that the highest level of imports of New Zealand butter since 1954 was 192,170 tonnes in 1969. A quota of 83,000 tonnes has been agreed for 1984.

Mr. Gould

Do not those figures show that a substantial price has been paid by the New Zealand producer and the British consumer? When will the ugly-sounding principle of regressivity end?

Mr. MacGregor

It is certainly the case that there has been a considerable cut in New Zealand supplies to the United Kingdom. I pay tribute to the way in which New Zealand has done this and dealt with the implications on the world market in an orderly manner. The new arrangement means that during the next three years the decline in supplies will be much less sharp.