HC Deb 20 February 1984 vol 54 c555
12. Mr. Mark Robinson

asked the Secretary of State for Energy what assessment his Energy Efficiency Office has made of potential savings from energy conservation in industry, and, in particular, the steel industry.

Mr. Peter Walker

The Energy Efficiency Office estimates that British industry could save 20 per cent. of its energy use from cost-effective energy efficiency measures. In 1982 prices, that is equivalent to a saving of £1.3 billion. There is considerable potential for further savings in the steel industry.

Mr. Robinson

I believe that my right hon. Friend's answer demonstrates the value of the Energy Efficiency Office. Is assistance available to firms which wish to monitor energy conservation? Are any specific energy conservation projects available to the steel industry?

Mr. Walker

I assure my hon. Friend that grants are available for energy surveys and audits, for example. The Allied Steel and Wire project at Cardiff has produced energy savings of 90 per cent. with a six month pay-back. I am glad to say that the Government contributed to the survey that resulted in that success.

Mr. Wallace

Is the Secretary of State aware that 30 per cent. grants are not available for firms in Scotland investing in ventilation control, draught exclusion and cavity wall insulation? What consultations has he had with the Secretary of State for Scotland on this issue?

Mr. Walker

I have the closest collaboration with my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Scotland. A great deal of progress is being made in Scotland as well as in England.