HC Deb 13 December 1984 vol 69 c1219
Mr. Speaker

I have a short statement to make about arrangements for the debate on the motion for the Adjournment which will follow the passing of the Consolidated Fund Bill on Wednesday 19 December.

Hon. Members should submit their subjects to my office not later than 9 am. on Tuesday 18 December. A list showing the subjects and times will be published later that day. Normally the time allotted will not exceed one and a half hours, but I propose to exercise a discretion to allow one or two debates to continue for rather longer, up to a maximum of three hours.

Where identical or similar subjects have been entered by different hon. Members whose names are drawn in the ballot, only the first name will be shown on the list. As some debates may not last the full time allotted to them, it is the responsibility of hon. Members to keep in touch with developments if they are not to miss their turn.

I remind hon. Members that on the motion for the Adjournment of the House on Friday 21 December up to eight hon. Members may raise with Ministers subjects of their own choice. Applications should reach my office by 10 pm. on Monday next. A ballot will be held on Tuesday morning and the result made known as soon as possible thereafter.