HC Deb 12 April 1984 vol 58 cc625-6

Lords amendment: No. 107, after clause 50 insert the following new clause: —(1) Part XII of the 1936 Act (enforcement and other general provisions) shall have effect as if so much of Part II of the 1961 Act (sanitation and buildings) as does not relate to building regulations were contained in Part II of the 1936 Act. (2) In the following provisions, namely—

  1. (a) so much of Part II of the 1936 Act (sanitation and building) as does not relate to building regulations;
  2. (b) sections 137 and 138 of that Act (certain buildings to be supplied with water); and
  3. (c) so much of Part II of the 1961 Act as does not relate to building regulations, expressions which are defined by subsection (1) of section 82 of the 1974 Act shall have the meanings given by that subsection."

Mr. Wyn Roberts

I beg to move, That this House doth agree with the Lords in the said amendment.

Mr. Deputy Speaker

With this we may discuss Lords amendment No. 217.

Mr. Roberts

As the House will be aware, the existing law relating to buildings and building regulations is spread in an untidy fashion over a number of statutes. The Law Commission is currently working on a Bill to consolidate those enactments and the present Bill into a single building Bill, which it is hoped will be introduced later this Session. I am sure that the House will welcome this proposal, which, some may say, is long overdue.

One of the problems of the existing maze of legislation is that marginally different definitions and procedural provisions apply to different parts of the enactments. The new clause in amendment No. 107 will ensure that the set of definitions given in the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 applies to all parts of these enactments. Amendment No. 217 expands the long title of the Bill to take account of the new clause.

Question put and agreed to.

Lords amendments Nos. 108 to 134 agreed to.

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