HC Deb 09 April 1984 vol 58 cc4-5
6. Mr. Flannery

asked the Secretary of State for Transport if he has received any proposals from British Rail concerning the further electrification of the St. Pancras to Sheffield line beyond Bedford.

Mr. David Mitchell

I have not received detailed proposals for the electrification of this route.

Mr. Flannery

Is the Minister aware that last October a very important national conference was held in Sheffield town hall between, in particular, representatives of the rail and steel industries in an attempt to help the failing steel industry and to secure electrification of that central line? The Secretary of State has told us that investment in the railways cannot proceed because there is not enough money, but will the hon. Gentleman bear in mind that last year £12 billion fled the country and found its way into the coffers of our competitors? Just a little bit of that £1 billion a month could have been put into British Rail and could put workers in the steel and rail industries back to work.

Mr. Mitchell

There is no proposal before us from British Rail to electrify that route. It is up to British Rail to propose, and for us to dispose. If BR does not see a case that it thinks worth while, it is not for us to impose it upon BR.

Mr. Flannery

But the Government do impose, and the hon. Gentleman knows it.

Mr. Speaker


Mr. Boyes

In response to my hon. Friend the Member for Kingston upon Hull, East (Mr. Prescott), the Minister mentioned the electrification of the east coast line——

Mr. Speaker

Order. We are well past that question now.

Mr. Boyes

My question is on electrification, Mr. Speaker.

Mr. Speaker

Come on then.

Mr. Boyes

When is electrification of the east coast line is likely to begin?

Mr. Mitchell

As hon. Members will know, the matter of electrifying the east coast main line has been held up, awaiting British Rail's strategy on its inter-city services. We expect to receive that very shortly and we then hope to be in a position to take further decisions.