HC Deb 26 October 1983 vol 47 cc273-4
9. Mr. Brandon-Bravo

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will introduce measures to restrict the power of local authorities to give grants to pressure groups.

Mr. Patrick Jenkin

I am aware of the concern about the grants that some local authorities are making and have the matter under review.

Mr. Brandon-Bravo

As a local councillor, I am as jealous as the next to maintain local power of decision, but does not my right hon. Friend feel that local government, indeed local democracy, is ill-served by the use — or, rather, the misuse — of public funds for overtly party political purposes? Does he agree, for example, that the payment of rent and rates for party political groupings, or grants to "Women"—even "Babies Against the Bomb"—is not a proper function of local government and in some way should be discouraged and deplored?

Mr. Jenkin

My hon. Friend has put clearly the dilemma we face, because there is great value in many of the payments that are made from the free 2p. Under section 137, many valuable voluntary bodies are supported and payments go to the support of industry and the urban programme. The problem is the misuse of that power by some authorities for purposes which were never remotely within the contemplation of Parliament when the power was put on the statute book, and that is why I am reviewing the matter. As for party political bodies, if it is an overtly party political body it is clear to me that that would be outwith the scope of the section. The problem is that some activities are carried on under other banners that have a strong party political flavour, and that can be a very difficult matter.

Mr. Steen

Will my right hon. Friend encourage local authorities to give grants to groups that are concerned with the prevention of urban sprawl, that want to encourage the halt of green field site expansion and that wish to see some of the statutory undertakers sell some of the 75,000 acres of land that they are not using? Does he agree that this is an important task, even if it may conflict with some local planning officials views?

Mr. Jenkin

We give a good deal of support in one way or another to voluntary bodies that are concerned with the conservation of the countryside and the preservation of wildlife and so on. I am currently reviewing the way in which we marshall the amount of support we give under various statutory powers, and I take note of my hon. Friend's remarks. He will recognise the value of the register of sites, which my predecessor set up, in bringing on to the market, and making available for builders, the large number of sites that are in public ownership and that public authorities of all sorts are now being obliged to disgorge. I intend to continue that policy and, if necessary, will be prepared to use my powers under the Act to make sure that the land is brought on to the market.

Mr. Dubs

Even if the Secretary of State does not like certain pressure groups which may receive support from local authorities, would it not be better if he left the judgment about making such grants to these pressure groups to the good sense of the electorate, rather than seek to interfere into yet another area of local government activity?

Mr. Jenkin

That is clearly a point of view that will be borne in mind in the course of the review. There is no doubt that there has been some abuse of section 137 which has caused widespread concern and dismay, but people are not satisfied that this is the sort of issue on which an entire local election would turn.