HC Deb 29 November 1983 vol 49 cc745-57
  1. Cruise Missiles 1,106 words
  2. cc747-8
  3. Defence Expenditure 484 words
  4. cc748-9
  5. Battlefield Nuclear Weapons 382 words
  6. cc749-50
  7. Western Europe 725 words
  8. cc750-1
  9. British Army of the Rhine 355 words
  10. cc751-2
  11. Normandy (Anniversary Ceremonies) 456 words
  12. cc752-3
  13. Afghanistan 319 words
  14. c753
  15. Departmental Expenditure 421 words
  16. cc753-6
  17. Cruise Missiles 1,532 words
  18. cc756-7
  19. Youth Training Scheme 306 words