HC Deb 08 March 1983 vol 38 cc786-7
Mr. John Moore

I beg to move amendment No. 1.3, in page 13, line 7, leave out clause 20.

Mr. Speaker

With this it is convenient to take Government amendment No. 25.

Mr. Moore

In response to the moving speech and appeals by the right hon. Member for Lanarkshire, North (Mr Smith) in Committee, this amendment and the consequential amendment to the schedule remove clause 20 from the Bill, thus retaining the requirement in section 10(6) of the Electricity Act 1957 for the Secretary of State to lay before Parliament an annual report in respect of the performance of his functions under the electricity legislation.

Mr. John Smith

I appreciate the fact that the Minister has moved amendment No. 13 to restore clause 20—

Mr. Lawson

It does not.

Mr. Smith

—which obliges the Secretary of State make an annual report to Parliament.' shall resist the temptation to go into the matter in depth. We never had any doubt that the Minister would carry out the undertaking that he gave in Committee. That proves that persuasion on the part of the Opposition is not yet dead and comprehension on the part of Ministers is still faintly alive.

Amendment agreed to.

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