HC Deb 07 March 1983 vol 38 c547
3. Mr. Knox

asked the Secretary of State for Wales what was the pupil-teacher ratio in primary schools in Wales at the most recent count; and how this compares with the ratio in 1978

Mr. John Stradling Thomas

The ratio was 21.9:1 in January 1982 compared with 22.6:1 in 1978

Mr. Knox

Does my hon. Friend agree that those figures show a satisfactory improvement in the pupil-teacher ratio over the past four years? Do they not belie the Opposition's gloomy propaganda about education in Wales?

Mr. Stradling Thomas

I agree with my hon. Friend. The comparisons with previous years and with the ratio in England are very good.

Mr. Rowlands

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that the improved figures are due entirely to falling rolls? As many teachers are on the dole, would it not be a good idea to put them back into the classrooms to reduce the ratio further and to give our youngsters the same opportunities that are available in schools in the private sector which can buy better pupil-teacher ratios? Is that not the best way forward?

Mr. Stradling Thomas

There will be a possibility of increased teacher training in future. It is a matter that we have very much in mind. When economic circumstances allow we should like to reduce the number of unemployed teachers as rapidly as possible. That is our policy.

Mr. Coleman

I welcome the hon. Gentleman to his new responsibilities. We hope that he will have a happy sojourn at the Welsh Office. We should like to make it a short one, but we wish him well and are glad to see him here.

About 2,000 teachers are unemployed in Wales. If we employed them, what improvements would there be in the pupil-teacher ratio and in educational standards?

Mr. Stradling Thomas

The hon. Gentleman knows that recent reports have shown that educational standards are being maintained. That has been made clear by the HMI reports, and it is generally accepted in the profession. The fall in resources has been nothing like comparable with the reduction in rolls. We are giving attention to those matters and we shall continue to maintain standards in Welsh education.