HC Deb 03 March 1983 vol 38 c364
12. Mr. Frank Allaun

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will amend the form in which suicides are reported in the coroners' statistics to indicate whether the persons were employed or unemployed.

Mr. Mellor

No, Sir. The coroners' statistics record the number and type of verdicts returned at coroners' inquests. The fact of whether or not the deceased person was employed or unemployed forms no part of the verdict.

Mr. Allaun

It should be part of the verdict. Will the Minister reconsider his reply? Has he read the recent report of a young worker with a wife and baby who hanged himself, according to the coroner, because he had been out of work for nine months? Does he realise the growing number of tragedies resulting from the spread of unemployment?

Mr. Mellor

There is no reason to link unemployment with suicide. I should have thought that it would not be seemly to have party disputations on why people commit suicide. There is no reason why that information should be given by coroners any more than a whole range of other information that might have a bearing on individual cases, each of which depends on its own facts and unfortunate circumstances.

Mr. Christopher Price

Does the Minister agree that the statistics produced by coroners' courts, and many other aspects of the coroners' procedures, are not satisfactory? May I thank him for receiving a recent delegation from "Inquest" to discuss those matters? Does he agree that the information resulting from coroners' inquests and what coroners record ought to be reviewed so that we can have more information?

Mr. Mellor

As the hon. Gentleman knows from that meeting and other occasions, we are concerned with aspects of the coroners' jurisdiction, some of which are undoubtedly ripe for legislative change. We are actively pursuing that.

Mr. Allaun

On a point of order, Mr. Speaker. In view of the unsatisfactory nature of the reply I beg to give notice that I shall seek to raise the matter on the Adjournment at the earliest opportunity.