HC Deb 25 July 1983 vol 46 cc771-2
5. Mr. Tom Cox

asked the Secretary of State for Energy when he last met the head of the Shell Oil Company.

Mr. Peter Walker

On 21 July.

Mr. Cox

Is the Secretary of State aware of the absolute chaos that resulted from the recent petrol price increases at the end of which it was the motorist who suffered? Just where is the competition in petrol pricing when one sees garages throughout London charging 183p? I am sure that in many other parts of the country the price is very much higher. When will the Secretary of State make it clear to petrol companies that it is time there was meaningful competition in petrol prices and not the enormous cartel which goes on and on?

Mr. Walker

We last had energy questions on the day that BP announced an increase which was never sustained because of the level of competition that exists.

Mr. Silvester

Will my right hon. Friend explain why he has had consultations with the Shell Oil Company and other major oil companies in respect of the Petroleum Stocks (Amendment) Order, but has not consulted the Association of United Kingdom Oil Independents?

Mr. Walker

In my talks with Shell, we did not discuss that matter.