HC Deb 28 February 1983 vol 38 c7
6. Mr. Hannam

asked the Secretary of State for Energy what progress has been made in establishing a system of energy audits for domestic and industrial consumers.

Mr. Gray

Considerable energy savings have already been made as a consequence of energy audits carried out in industry and commerce under the Government's industrial energy thrift scheme, energy audit scheme and energy survey schemes. On the domestic side, my Department is closely in touch with several organisations who are developing home audit energy schemes.

Mr. Hannam

I welcome that reply, which shows that my right hon. Friend acknowledges the fact that many firms and householders would like to engage in energy conservation but do not know how to set about it. Is he aware of the development trial that has been set up by the Devon energy group? If he is aware of it, will he give that scheme some support?

Mr. Gray

I am aware of the interest that my hon. Friend has always shown in schemes of this type, especially those that relate to the Devon area. My Department has outlined to the Dartington Institute the terms on which we are prepared to support that project. It is a do-it-yourself system that was originated by the London School of Economics. It has been tried successfully with Government funding by 2,800 members of the National Union of Townswomen's Guilds and its friends. The system is being developed further by the Devon energy project and we wish it well.