HC Deb 15 December 1983 vol 50 cc1147-8
2. Mr. Tom Cox

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will seek to meet the Agriculture Committee of the Council of Europe to discuss the problems caused by the burning of straw and stubble waste.

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Mrs. Peggy Fenner)

We shall be happy to give due consideration to any views of the Agriculture Committee of the Council of Europe on straw and stubble burning which it may care to communicate to us.

Mr. Cox

I note the Minister's reply, but is she aware that the procedure followed in many European countries for the disposal of straw waste is very different from the procedures here and that that is why such discussions could be of benefit? Is she further aware that if there is to be an end next summer to the abuses that occurred in many parts of this country this year, the statements that the Government have been making about the actions that they intend to take will have to be implemented, with legislation to back them up?

Mrs. Fenner

Conditions vary in the different European countries. In some countries there is greater integration of livestock and arable production than happens in the major straw producing areas of the United Kingdom. The soil and weather conditions also differ. In answer to the hon. Gentleman's last point, I assure him that we are in the process of discussing new model byelaws, which will be considerably tougher than the existing byelaws.

Mr. Farr

Will my hon. Friend bear in mind that it would be helpful if she and her right hon. Friends, before next summer, were to introduce an entirely revised, very strict and quite voluntary code on straw burning, because the present system has not worked? Does she accept that a voluntary code, on an amended basis, should be introduced?

Mrs. Fenner

We have been discussing with the National Farmers Union a stronger code for straw burning, but it will be backed by new model byelaws, which will be considerably tougher than the existing ones. We trust that that will be done in time for district councils to make their byelaws before the next season.

Mr. Freud

Will the Minister tell the House what encouragement she would give to industry to take up the surplus straw and stubble and manufacture it into briquettes, either for heating or for cattle food?

Mrs. Fenner

For some time my Ministry has involved industrialists in a group looking at ways of using surplus straw. There are a number of ways of doing so and we are contributing £2 million to research into those ways. I know the particular way that the hon. Gentleman has in mind, and I hope very much that all these ways can be made commercial. That is what is relevant.

Sir Paul Hawkins

Will my hon. Friend consider encouraging livestock production in corn-producing areas so that the straw that is produced from corn is consumed nearer to the farms?

Mrs. Fenner

My hon. Friend will be aware that over several years we have played our part in Europe in trying to redress the balance between cereals and livestock. He will be aware also that many of Britain's grasslands, by their very nature, are on the other side of the country from the main cereal-producing areas.

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