HC Deb 13 April 1983 vol 40 c785
1. Mr. Ennals

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs how many diplomats are currently accredited from the Libyan People's Bureau.

The Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Mr. Douglas Hurd)


Mr. Ennals

Given the recent threats by the Libyan Government to kill exiles in western Europe, including the United Kingdom, and that it is known that funds are distributed from the Libyan mission in the United Kingdom to extremist organisations and publications, does the Minister believe that these actions conform with the normal role of a diplomatic mission that is accepted by Her Majesty's Government?

Mr. Hurd

The Government have been worried by these signs and they have made their views known to the Libyan authorities at a high level in recent months. My hon. and learned Friend the Minister for Health discussed the matter when he was there in February. He received assurances that were important to the Government. The Government had trouble in this regard in 1980, as the right hon. Gentleman will remember. Three members of the People's Bureau were asked to leave at that time. I trust that there will be no repetition.

Sir John Biggs-Davison

Does my right hon. Friend consider that the subsidising of such publications as the Labour Herald is a proper function of this quasi embassy?

Mr. Hurd

No. If my hon. Friend has evidence about that, I trust that he will inform me.