HC Deb 12 April 1983 vol 40 cc653-4
5. Mr. Renton

asked the Secretary of State for Employment whether he proposes to produce a White Paper on trade union democracy that will take account of the representations he has received on this subject.

Mr. Tebbit

The period for consultations on the Green Paper "Democracy in Trade Unions" has now ended and I am considering the responses that have been received. It is my intention to publish as soon as possible the Government's conclusions on what legislative steps may need to be taken in this area, either as a White Paper or in some other suitable form.

Mr. Renton

Does my right hon. Friend agree that some steps should be taken immediately, such as strengthening and widening the role of the certification officer? Does he further agree that it is a matter of great concern that members of NALGO, which is currently conducting a £1 million political campaign against local authority spending cuts, apparently cannot take their case to the certification officer simply because their union does not have a political fund?

Mr. Tebbit

I note my hon. Friend's comments, but it is not always possible to get things done immediately in this area of policy. There is not always a consensus across the Floor of the House in these matters. I believe that most of NALGO's members are highly embarrassed by the reports of the survey conducted by NALGO showing that local government expenditure cuts, such as they have been, are regarded by most people as too little and too late.

Mr. Leighton

Does the Secretary of State accept that one of the most important documents that should be taken into account when considering these matters is the Gennard report, commissioned by the right hon. Gentleman's Department, which has been in gestation for many years and which, presumably, is a thorough, scholarly work? Based on that report were most of the strictures of the alleged evils of the closed shop that were made in Committee on the Employment Bill. Does the right hon. Gentleman recall that the Minister of State promised that when the report was available we would all have copies of it? I have tried to obtain a copy from the Vote Office—

Mr. Speaker

Order. The hon. Gentleman must complete his question rather than make a statement.

Mr. Leighton

Will the Secretary of State undertake to have this document printed so that views on the closed shop can be based on research, not on prejudice?

Mr. Tebbit

We did not base our policies on the Gennard report, which had not completed at the time, in any case. As the hon. Gentleman says, it has now been published. It has not been printed, but it is available in photocopy form. I should be happy to lend the hon. Gentleman a copy if he would like it, or so that he can make his own photocopy of it.