HC Deb 28 October 1982 vol 29 cc1154-5

The Duke of Edinburgh and I have received much pleasure from the knowledge that so many people shared with us our happiness in the birth of a son to The Prince and Princess of Wales.

The Duke of Edinburgh and I were pleased to receive the State Visit of His Majesty The Sultan of Oman in March. We also recall with pleasure the pastoral visit of His Holiness Pope John Paul the Second in May, and the visit in June of the President of the United States of America and Mrs. Reagan as my guests.

We look back with much satisfaction on the visits we have made this year. We were in Canada in April to sign the proclamation of the Constitution Act 1982 and we are now concluding a tour including visits to Australia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Nauru, Kiribati, Tuvalu and Fiji. As Head of the Commonwealth I was present in Brisbane to close the Commonwealth Games.

We were greatly saddened by the death in August of King Sobhuza of Swaziland.

My Government welcomed the independence of Antigua and Barbuda and its decision to join the Commonwealth. They also welcomed the admission of the Republic of Maldives to membership of the Commonwealth.

My Government responded swiftly to Argentina's unlawful and unprovoked invasion of the Falkland Islands and South Georgia. They made strenuous efforts to persuade the Argentine Government to withdraw their forces peacefully but were eventually obliged to resort military action in self defence and to protect the democratic rights of the Falkland Islanders. The Armed Services and the Merchant Navy have earned the gratitude of the nation by the courage, skill and devotion to duty they displayed in the course of their successful campaign. My Government profoundly regret the loss of life and casualties incurred. They have begun the urgent task of economic and social rehabilitation and further development of the Islands.

My Government were deeply grateful for the support shown during the Falklands crisis by so great a proportion of the international community, in particular by the countries of the Commonwealth, the European Community and the North Atlantic Alliance, and by the dependent territories.

My Government welcomed the entry of Spain into the North Atlantic Alliance. They have continued to fulfil their commitment to real increases in defence spending and have announced further measures to strengthen our defences and make good the losses suffered during the Falklands conflict. They played an active role at the meeting of Heads of State and Government of the Alliance in June. They have taken part in Alliance consultations over the negotiations on intermediate range nuclear forces between the United States and the Soviet Union and have warmly welcomed the resumption of negotiations on strategic nuclear forces. They have played a full part at the Second United Nations Special Session on Disarmament and in other arms control and disarmament negotiations.

With other members of the Alliance and of the European Community, my Government have condemned the imposition of martial law in Poland. They have continued to support efforts to restore the independent and non-aligned status of Afghanistan.

My Government have played a constructive role in the development of the European Community and were able to make useful progress during the period of the United Kingdom Presidency. They have continued to negotiate for an acceptable revised Common Fisheries Policy, and have participated in negotiations with Spain and Portugal on their forthcoming accession to the Community.

My Government have continued, with our Community partners, to seek a comprehensive settlement of the Arab/Israel dispute and an end to the conflict in the Lebanon with all its tragedies.

My Government have participated in continued efforts to reach a settlement in Namibia and have supported attempts to solve the problem caused by the occupation of Cambodia by Vietnam.