HC Deb 20 October 1982 vol 29 cc349-50
2. Mr. Greenway

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a statement on the latest position regarding all forms of aid to Poland.

The Under-Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Mr. Malcolm Rifkind)

Her Majesty's Government have given financial and other assistance, both nationally and through the European Community, for humanitarian aid to Poland through voluntary and Church agencies.

Mr. Greenway

Does my hon. Friend share the nation's disgust and abhorrence at the brutal suppression of Solidarity, the viciousness shown to people mourning for those who suffered in the wake of it, and the hated and unending imposition of martial law in Poland? Do not those facts and others highlight the need to encourage the sending of all possible British aid, voluntary and otherwise, direct to the people of Poland via the Churches?

Mr. Rifkind

The Government have already made clear to the Polish Government their abhorrence of the legislation abolishing, or seeking to abolish, Solidarity. Indeed, the Polish people have made clear their views on their Government's action.

European Community Foreign Ministers have agreed to continue the provision of humanitarian aid to voluntary and Church agencies in Poland, and sums of money are still available for that purpose.

Mr. Winnick

The Tories seem to believe in free and genuine trade unions as long as they exist in Eastern Europe. Is the Minister aware of the deep concern in the British Labour movement over the banning of Solidarity, the measures that have recently been taken and the general repression of working people in Poland today?

Mr. Rifkind

The hon. Gentleman insults Polish trade unionists, who, I am certain, would be delighted to have the system of trade unionism that will exist in the United Kingdom after the legislation has been approved by the House.

Mr. Churchill

On this day when Poland is burying a young steel worker as a result of the recent conflicts there, is my hon. Friend aware of the sense of horror and outrage felt by British people at the way in which Polish secret police, wearing plain clothes, have been shooting down workers in cold blood? Will the Government take every possible step to increase the sanctions imposed on the Polish Government?

Mr. Rifkind

I share my hon. Friend's abhorrence of some of the incidents that have taken place. I informed the Polish ambassador of the Government's view when I saw him some days ago. The European Community is at present considering an appropriate response to the developments in Poland.

Mr. George Robertson

Is the Minister aware that the House clearly supports any move to give aid to the Polish people and therefore commends the initiative taken by the European Community that the hon. Gentleman has outlined today? I am sure that the House would also wish the Government to take every opportunity to underline the repugnance of the British people at the latest crude attempts that are being made to crush the Polish people's desire to create new and free institutions in that troubled country.

Mr. Rifkind

I am grateful to the hon. Gentleman for his support of the position taken not just by the British Government but by the European Community. I have no doubt that if the Western nations express their abhorrence in the strongest terms it will not only be noted by the Polish Government but will give considerable support to the Polish people, who need all the support that they can get at present.

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