HC Deb 19 October 1982 vol 29 cc299-300


The Solicitor-General

I beg to move amendment No. 15, in page 39, line 30, leave out 'Part IV of'.

Mr. Deputy Speaker

With this we may take Government amendments Nos. 16, 17, 18 and 20.

The Solicitor-General

Amendments Nos. 15, 16 and 17 are technical amendments relating to wills. I shall gladly explain their precise purpose and effect should anyone wish me to do so.

One advantage of our process of primary legislation is that it gives the opportunity to persons with special interest in or knowledge of the subject matter to study what is being done and to make suggestions while there is still time to implement them. In this instance we are much indebted to Professor Clark of Newcastle university, who drew attention to a number of highly technical considerations which have led to the making of these amendments.

Amendment No. 18 allows new regulations to be made governing the deposit and registration of wills. It puts right a technical defect.

Amendment No. 20 makes it clear that the provisions of the Bill dealing with commencement, extent and citation will enter into force on Royal Assent.

Amendment agreed to.

Amendments made:

No. 16, in page 39, line 34, at end insert—

'(d) section 72, so far as it relates—

(i) to the Wills Act Amendment Act 1852; and

(ii) to the Family Law Reform Act 1969,'.

No. 17, in page 39, line 37, leave out subsection (7) and insert— '(7) Neither section 18(1) above nor the repeal by this Act of section 177 of the Law of Property Act 1925 affects a will made before the commencement of section 18(1) above'.[The Solicitor-General.]

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