HC Deb 25 March 1982 vol 20 c1083
19. Mr. Kilfedder

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he will introduce a Bill of Rights for Ulster based on the constitution of the United States of America.

Mr. Prior

I recognise the importance that many people in Northern Ireland attach to the protection of human rights there. I have at present no plans to introduce a Bill of Rights for Northern Ireland, but I keep the whole question of human rights under careful review.

Mr. Kilfedder

As the question of human rights in Northern Ireland is a sensitive and vital issue, will the right hon. Gentleman reconsider his decision and urgently bring forward a Bill of Rights based on the constitution of the United States, which is the greatest multi-religious and multi-racial democracy in the world, and thus guarantee that everyone in the Province, Protestant and Roman Catholic, Republican and Loyalist, would have the same rights and protections as those enjoyed in the United States?

Mr. Prior

I know that the hon. Gentleman feels very strongly on this issue. I cannot see any prospect of early legislation. These are highly contentious matters in the House. A Bill of Rights for the whole United Kingdom—that is what could well be involved here—is a matter that is more appropriate to my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for the Home Department.