HC Deb 24 March 1982 vol 20 cc918-9
6. Mr. Donald Stewart

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what plans he has to reduce the level of unemployment in the Western Isles.

Mr. Younger

We expect to make a start this summer with the implementation of the European Communities assisted integrated development programme, which provides for substantial public investment in the Western Isles over the next five years. The Highlands and Islands Development Board is continuing to devote a significant proportion of its resources to encouraging the creation of new jobs in the Western Isles, and we are offering positive help through the special employment measures to those most affectd by unemployment.

Mr. Stewart

In spite of the details that he has given, is the Secretary of State aware that unemployment in the Western Isles has been over 21 per cent. for a considerable period? Will he consider giving short-term assistance to the Western Isles council, which must meet all its road making expenditure out of the rate support grant, unlike other areas, in which the roads are built under the trunk road system?

Mr. Younger

I entirely share the right hon. Gentleman's concern about the long-standing high unemployment in the Western Isles. The measures that I touched on in my earlier answer are designed to point that unemployment in a favourable direction. I am prepared to receive any representations that the Western Isles council submits to me about roads. It is a fact, however, that the council has had a generous capital allocation and, what is more, a high proportion of it is paid in the form of a Government grant.

Several Hon. Members


Mr. Speaker

Order. I regard this as a constituency question. We must move on.

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