HC Deb 08 March 1982 vol 19 cc589-90
9. Mr. Norman Atkinson

asked the Secretary of State for Energy if he will initiate a feasibility study for the purpose of introducing an income-related rebate scheme for domestic heating.

Mr. Mellor

The Government are already spending some £250 million this year in assisting those in most need.

Mr. Atkinson

I acknowledge that the Government are spending that amount this year, but does the Minister agree that that excludes many low-income families who receive rebates because they cannot afford to pay economic rents or rates for the houses in which they live? Is it not logical for the Government now to consider extending those rebate schemes to include energy, which is quite as important as rents or rates in terms of essential payments?

Mr. Mellor

That is essentially a matter for my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Social Services. Nevertheless, the Government are currently helping 2.25 million people who are in receipt of supplementary benefit. Of course, there may be others who consider themselves to be in need, but it has proved remarkably difficult to find ways in which to assist them and the funds with which to do so. As the hon. Gentleman will know, the Labour Government's scheme gave people in receipt of rebates only a one-off payment averaging £7.50, which was scarcely more than a sop and illustrates the difficulties experienced by successive Governments in widening the assistance available.

Mr. John H. Osborn

In his talks with the Secretary of State for Social Services will my hon. Friend bear in mind that people who in their working days used to obtain their wages on Friday and be spent up by Monday are now finding it very difficult to pay their fuel bills? Could some form of assistance be given to provide meters for both electricity and gas in such cases?

Mr. Mellor

My hon. Friend touches on an important point. The Policy Studies Institute review currently being considered by the industries advocated an extension in the use of prepayment meters. I am happy to say that the number of such meters installed by both supply industries has materially increased in the past 12 months.