HC Deb 08 June 1982 vol 25 cc4-5
4. Mr. Renton

asked the Secretary of State for Employment whether he will publish a discussion document on reform of union rule books and the right for trade unionists to ask for secret ballots within their own unions.

The Under-Secretary of State for Employment (Mr. David Waddington)

My right hon. Friend has not yet decided to do so.

Mr. Renton

Does my hon. and learned Friend agree that one of the reasons for the present unpopularity of many trade unions is that without secret ballots they take extreme decisions that do not reflect the wishes of most of their members, but that it is very hard for the majority of members to get the rule book changed? At what stage does he think that it would be appropriate for the Government to intervene to require unions to change their rule books when they refuse to do so?

Mr. Waddington

We have no doubt at all of the need for greater union democracy. We do not underestimate for one moment the need for greater use of secret ballots. It is a scandal that the TUC should boycott the scheme under the 1980 Act, while taking money for shop steward training. The unions must realise that if they do not reform themselves voluntarily the Government will have to take further action. We are giving them the chance to reform themselves voluntarily.

Mr. Park

Why is the Minister even considering a discussion document when he must be aware that unions have rules revision conferences and that if there is great feeling on any matter that is the time and place to alter the rule book? Does he accept, therefore, that it is not for Ministers to propose discussion documents?

Mr. Waddington

I do not think that many hon. Members agree with the hon. Gentleman that all union rule books are so perfect that they safeguard the rights of the members, because clearly they do not. There is a clear call for greater democracy within unions. I remind the hon. Gentleman that the demand for reform comes not just from the moderates in the trade union movement. The defeated candidate for the general secretaryship of the AUEW pointed out only the other day the necessity to ensure proper balloting arrangements.