HC Deb 19 July 1982 vol 28 cc4-5
3. Mr. Sandelson

asked the Minister for Trade when he expects to conclude his consultations following the Green Paper on copyright.

Dr. Vaughan

The closing date for comments on the Green Paper is the end of August. We shall then consider those responses and decide on appropriate action. A relevant consideration is the European Community harmonisation programme, which may involve negotiations later this year.

Mr. Sandelson

When does the Minister expect to have consultations with the Commission? Are the Government not showing a distressing lack of urgency in tackling the problem of video piracy, which is critical for manufacturers and retailers in my constituency and other parts of the country? Will the Minister consider introducing interim measures to protect copyright owners?

Dr. Vaughan

I am mindful of the need to make progress. The consultation period following the Green Paper ends next month. We have already had 180 answers, but some of the most important views are still to arrive. We shall take urgent action.

Sir Charles Fletcher-Cooke

Is not the eight years since the Whitford committee reported too long to wait when it is reckoned that we are losing millions of pounds every year through lack of effective legislative protection?

Dr. Vaughan

I am as aware as is my hon. and learned Friend of the need to make progress.

Mr. Straw

Is the Minister aware that last week the United States Congress overrode the Presidential veto and insisted on continuing the long-standing law requiring all books to be printed in the United States to protect the copyright? As long as the United States is set on such extreme non-tarrif barriers, is it not essential that we should match them and consider a mechanism to protect our printing industry?

Dr. Vaughan

We have made a number of representations to the United States. My hon. and learned Friend the Minister for Trade took the matter up recently when he was in the United States. We are waiting to see what action follows between the President and the United States Government over the veto.

Mr. Gorst

May I remind my hon. Friend that an effective copyright is an absolute prerequisite for our recording, video and film industries? Will we have legislation in the lifetime of this Parliament, as without it the industries will bleed to death and no doubt it will be impossible to sustain them?

Dr. Vaughan

We are aware of the importance of the issue. My hon. Friend the Under-Secretary is conducting a review.