HC Deb 14 July 1982 vol 27 cc1030-1
38. Mr. Norman Hogg

asked the Minister for the Civil Service what the reduction in Civil Service jobs in Scotland has been since May 1979.

The Minister of State, Treasury (Mr. Barney Hayhoe)

Information is not available about the reduction in Civil Service jobs since May 1979, but between January 1979 and January 1982 the number of civil servants in Scotland fell by 3,300.

Mr. Hogg

Is the Minister aware that by reducing the number of civil servants he is contributing to the economic decline of Scotland? Is he aware that 341,232 people are already unemployed there, that unemployment in Strathclyde is running at 17.7 per cent. and that cuts in the Civil Service simply make matters worse?

Mr. Hayhoe

It is important that our Civil Service should be efficient, and it is right that reductions are being made. In percentage terms, however, the reductions in Scotland are smaller than those in many other regions of the country.

Mr. Home Robertson

Will the Minister give an undertaking that proper consultations will take place with all interested parties before any Civil Service jobs in Scotland are lost as a result of jobcentre closures that might follow Sir Derek Rayner's latest report? Incidentally, is Sir Derek Rayner a civil servant? If he is, will the Minister please sack him?

Mr. Hayhoe

Certainly not. Sir Derek Rayner is making very valuable contributions to the overall efficiency of Government. I think that the hon. Gentleman should put his question about jobcentres to my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Employment.

Mr. Donald Stewart

How do the Minister's figures for job reductions in Scotland accord with the Government's promise to divert Civil Service jobs to Scotland and the regions?

Mr. Hayhoe

The dispersal of more than 2,000 jobs to Scotland is going ahead and the dispersal to East Kilbride has been completed ahead of time, but Scotland cannot be exempted and insulated from the overall reduction of jobs in the Civil Service.