HC Deb 13 July 1982 vol 27 c953
The Solicitor-General

I beg to move amendment No.121 in page 188, line 41 after 'this', insert 'Part of this'.

This is a purely drafting amendment designed to achieve greater clarity.

Amendment agreed to.

Amendments made: No. 182, in page 191, line 5 leave out from '1984' to 'except' in line 7 and insert: 'an event occurs in respect of the settlement which could not have occurred'.

No. 183, in page 191, line 9 leave out 'payment constitutes an event' and insert: 'event is one'.

No. 184, in page 191, line 21 leave out from '1984' to 'except' in line 23 and insert: 'an event occurs in respect of the settlement which could not have occurred'.

No. 185, in page 191, line 25 leave out 'payment constitutes an event' and insert: 'event is one'.—[Mr. Brooke.]

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