HC Deb 21 January 1982 vol 16 c409
15. Mr. Andrew F. Bennett

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department when the inquiry by Lord Belstead into the procedure for complaints against the police will be completed.

Mr. Whitelaw

My noble Friend the Under-Secretary of State chaired a working group of the Police Advisory Board, the report of which is to be considered at a meeting of the board on 26 January. The Select Committee on Home Affairs has since begun an inquiry into police complaints and related matters and I shall wish to take into account its report before bringing forward proposals for change.

Mr. Bennett

Is the Home Secretary aware that many people will be pleased that the board is meeting on 26 January to make a report, but will regret that the Home Secretary seems to be using the Select Committee as an excuse to put off the introduction of legislation? Is it not time that we got fresh legislation on police complaints before the House?

Mr. Whitelaw

That is a classic example of how one cannot do right. If I had produced legislation while the Select Committee was considering the matter, the hon. Gentleman and the House would say that I had treated the Committee in a most disgraceful way, and was disregarding Parliament and paying no attention to it. Because I act in the opposite way, I am told that I ought to bring forward legislation. I believe that what I am doing is the right way of proceeding.

Mr. George Cunningham

Will the Secretary of State reassure the House by saying that, at least provisionally, he is clear in his mind that in future there ought to be an independent element in the investigation of complaints and not only in their determination?

Mr. Whitelaw

I should like to say "Yes" and I should like equally to say—[HON. MEMBERS: "No."] I think that it would be appropriate for me to start again. I intend to bring forward legislation as soon as we can get agreement and, if possible, through the Select Committee. I want to get legislation on the subject and to carry forward the proposals that the hon. Gentleman has put to me.