HC Deb 20 October 1981 vol 10 c246

Amendment made: No. 138, in page 150 line 12, at end insert— '() in paragraph 8(1)(c) for the words from "provisos (b) and (c)" to the end there shall be substituted the words "section 40(4)(b) or (c) or 41 of the Companies Act 1981;";'.—[Mr. Eyre.]

Mr. Eyre

I beg to move amendment No. 193, in page 152, line 10, leave out '43, 44, 45' and insert '43(1)(a), 44, 45(a)(i) (b) and (c)'.

Mr. Deputy Speaker

With this it will be convenient to take Government amendments Nos. 185, 186 and 187.

Mr. Eyre

These amendments have the effect of confirming the relaxations made to section 39(4) of the 1980 Act by paragraphs 43(1)(b), 43(2) and 45(bb) of schedule 3 on companies drawing up schedule 8(A) accounts—that is the old schedule 8 of the 1948 Act as amended by schedule 2. These are minor and technical amendments.

Amendment agreed to.

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