HC Deb 11 May 1981 vol 4 cc480-1
24. Mr. Blackburn

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he is taking any additional steps to encourage business sponsorship of the arts.

Mr. Channon

I shall continue to take every available opportunity to encourage business sponsorship of the arts, and I have a number of regional engagements planned in which I intend to emphasise the relevance of sponsorship to the smaller arts and business organisations. A booklet to help arts organisations frame sponsorship proposals will be published later this year and I intend to hold a reception in London during the summer to bring together representatives of some sponsoring and non-sponsoring major companies.

Mr. Blackburn

I particularly welcome my right hon. Friend's announcement about the booklet to be published later this year. Will he vigorously pursue the prospect of sponsorship by companies hiring pictures from local galleries, particularly in view of the Select Committee's report?

Mr. Channon

I am most grateful to my hon. Friend for his interest, and I shall adopt his suggestion.

Mr. Freud

Will the Minister bear in mind the existence of the Honours List and bring it to the attention of potential art sponsors, who are as keen as ever to receive titles?

Mr. Channon

I note the hon. Gentleman's interest, and I shall give his suggestion the consideration that it is worth.

Mr. Sainsbury

Will my right hon. Friend ensure that national and local media are not reluctant to give due reward to businesses that sponsor the arts? Will he ensure that the BBC, for example, is not reluctant to mention sponsorship in case it constitutes advertising?

Mr. Channon

That is a good point. It is an important topic which has been raised frequently. I shall discuss the matter with the BBC and others. Great progress has been made, and I hope that we shall make further strides forward.