HC Deb 30 March 1981 vol 2 cc13-4
16. Sir Raymond

Gower asked the Secretary of State for Wales what is the total number of factories now under construction in Wales; how many are being constructed by the Welsh Development Agency and by the Development Board for Rural Wales, respectively; and how many are sited within the area of the Vale of Glamorgan council and within the area of South Glamorgan county council, respectively.

Mr. Wyn Roberts

The Welsh Development Agency is building 423 factories, including five bespoke units, and the Development Board for Rural Wales is building 32 factories. In the area of South Glamorgan county council the WDA has 40 factories under construction of which 13 are within the Vale of Glamorgan district. Details of private sector building are not readily available.

Sir Raymond Gower

Is my hon. Friend aware that the extent of that ambitious programme is appreciated? Is he satisfied that, in view of the size of the programme, the Welsh Development Agency will not be hampered by a lack of suitable staff in certain categories?

Mr. Roberts

I am not aware of difficulties of the type that my hon. Friend has mentioned. Certainly no underspend is anticipated, either on the special programme for Port Talbot and Llanwern or on factory building generally. Staffing is a matter for the authority.

Mr. Joan Evans

Despite the fact that large numbers of factories have been vacated because of the closure of firms, will the Government continue their policy of building new advance factories so that when the economic upturn comes manufacturers will be attracted to the area to provide the right jobs?

Mr. Roberts

Top priority is being given now to finding tenants for the massive 4 million sq. ft. of Government factory space that is already available, under construction or planned throughout Wales. Despite the recession, 131 advance factories were let in Wales last year—almost equal to the previous year's record level.

Mr. Best

While I welcome the amount of advance factory building in Wales, may I ask my right hon. Friend whether he agrees that serious consideration must be given by the Welsh Development Agency to expanding its facilities in the investment and loans sphere so that it can play a full part—together with the other welcome measures that were introduced by my right hon. and learned Friend's Budget—in assisting small businesses in Wales?

Mr. Roberts

I am sure that the agency and its officers will note the helpful remarks of my hon. Friend.

Mr. Wigley

Will the Minister contact the Welsh Development Agency and investigate whether there is any way of speeding up the letting of factories? Is he aware that last week I received complaints about the slowness of letting, which concerns industrialists?

Mr. Roberts

If the hon. Gentleman has had complaints, as he suggests, I should be grateful if he would send them to me so that I may investigate them with the agency.