HC Deb 23 March 1981 vol 1 cc630-2
38. Mr. Neubert

asked the Paymaster General if he will take steps to inform the public of the cost to public funds of support for the nationalised industries.

Mr. Pym

The information is available in the public expenditure White Paper (Cmnd. 8175), and the 1981–82 Financial Statement and Budget Report.

Mr. Neubert

If, despite all his efforts, my right hon. Friend should still hear the view expressed—whether in passing conversation or on other occasions—that the Government should give more financial support to industry, will he point out exactly how much support is being given to public industries, to the detriment of essential investment in other industries?

Mr. Pym

There is no doubt that, via the taxpayer, the Government have provided a substantial measure of support for industry. In our present economic circumstances there is a case for providing still more assistance. However, we must never forget that that assistance has to be paid for. Somebody has to raise the money. At present there is a tendency to increase the demands on those in work to help those out of work. This is a difficult period, but the Government have responded in a practical way to the needs of the situation, which has arisen as a result of the circumstances of world trade.

Mr. John Silkin

Does the right hon. Gentleman agree with the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and myself that, but for Government support for the aircraft engine industry, steel, shipbuilding, the motor car industry and coal, the whole of our industrial base would have fallen into total disuse?

Mr. Pym

Of course we did not allow that to happen. If it had been possible, it would have been better for the Government to interfere and intervene less rather than more. However, when the need to intervene arose, we showed that we were willing to do so despite our preference for non-intervention.