HC Deb 17 March 1981 vol 1 cc190-1
10. Mr. Nicholas Winterton

asked the Secretary of State for Defence when he now expects cruise missiles to be delivered and deployed on British soil.

Mr. Goodhart

Late in 1983.

Mr. Winterton

Will my hon. Friend confirm yet again that cruise missiles form a vital part of our overall defence strategy? Will he further confirm that when cruise: missies are deployed on training exercises they will not carry live warheads?

Mr. Goodhart

That is most certainly true. On exercises, cruise missiles will deploy only to Ministry of Defence training areas, and they will carry neither warheads nor fuel.

Mr. Stephen Ross

Although Liberal Members support the idea of updating our NATO nuclear weapons, Will the Minister confirm that, if meaningful progress can be made with the Russians and the Warsaw Pact countries over the withdrawal of the SS20s and other weapons, Her Majesty's Government intend not to proceed with the introduction of cruise missiles in the United Kingdom?

Mr. Goodhart

I am happy to say that the Russians have been more forthcoming on talks since the deployment of these weapons was announced. There will be a further meeting of the NATO steering group, which deals with questions of arms negotiations, in the very near future.

Mr. Wilkinson

Will my hon. Friend confirm that the theatre nuclear role assigned to the Tomahawk cruise missiles to be deployed in the United Kingdom is not the only purpose for which cruise missiles were designed, and that there will shortly be a real requirement for air-launched cruise missiles or effective stand-off weaponry to improve the penetrating capability of British air power?

Mr. Goodhart

That is under active consideration at this moment.

Mr. John

But will the Minister confirm that NATO agreement to the deployment of cruise missiles was given on condition that the disarmament talks would take place with the Russians? Will the Minister therefore accept that hon. Members in all parts of the House expect an energetic pursuit of those talks with the Russians before cruise is ever deployed?

Mr. Goodhart

As I said, there is to be a meeting of the steering group. The discussions are scheduled to be held in the very near future.